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STDC Smart Transmitter Bd

The Smart Transmitter/Digital Communications (ST/DC) is a direct replcement for the A/D card for MC, EC, and CB. It was designed to replace the standard analog inputs 1-5V. Four LEDs show the status of the card.

The ST/DC contains 7 switch settings, 1-3 are for factory use only, 4-6 for type of controller, and 7 is not used.

 Switch Settings:         4    5    6 
Basic Controller                   on   on   on 
EC status to bus with DIDEPI       off  off  on 
EC status to J1 without DIDEPI     on   off  on
Multifunction Controller on on off

LEDs: LED Color Normal State Meaning 1 green on 24V D/O pwr OK 2 green blinking Main on-card CPU OK 3 green on A/D is ready 4 red off A/D Calibrtation
is questionable.
Accepted Inputs:
? 16 analog (1 to 5V)
? 8 Digital ST in single-range and 8 analog transmitter inputs (1 to 5V)
? 8 Digital ST in dual-range or multivarable range
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