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P3 Op. Sta. Printer IF

The Printer Interface card holds the logic to run three separate printers. Board contains 6 LEDs.

Board Position Description DS1 Lit, printer 1 is ready. DS2 Lit, printer 2 is ready. DS3 Lit, printer 3 is ready. DS4 Lit, printer 4 is sending data. DS5 Lit, printer 5 is sending data. DS6 Lit, printer 6 is sending data.


Switch Bank (SW1,SW2,SW3) 4 Char Length On= 7 Bits Off= 8 Bits 3 Parity Bit On= 1 Bit Off= 2 Bits 2 Type of Parity On= Odd Off= Even 1 Parity Control On=Enable Off= Inhibit

Switch Bank (SW4) 4 Not used 3 Printer #3 2 Printer #2 1 Printer #1

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